Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia


Scaling up catalytic solutions for climate-resilient food systems in Africa

Clim-Eat is a global think and do tank that seeks to address systemic barriers in food systems that obstruct resilient rural livelihoods. It does so by generating evidence and providing advice and strategic outreach to regional and national decision-makers in low- and middle-income countries.  

The Foundation will support Clim-Eat to launch and develop an adaptation-focused programme on African food systems, initially in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. The programme will focus on improving policy and regulatory frameworks for, and investment in, resilient food systems.  

In the first phase, the programme will concentrate on the following key areas:  

  • Investment. For example, many official agriculture budgets heavily subsidise inorganic fertilisers, which does little to benefit farmer livelihoods or food security in the absence of support to markets, extension, seed quality, etc. Clim-Eat will work with stakeholders to support policy reforms that reform subsidies and enhance resilience. 
  • Irrigation. Agriculture in Africa is dominated by climate-vulnerable rainfed systems. Currently less than 10% of arable land in Africa is irrigated, exposing farmers to unpredictable weather patterns and climate shocks. Clim-Eat will promote farmer-led sustainable (solar) irrigation to increase resilience.  
  • Digitalisation. Numerous social, technical and financial barriers impede the access of rural communities to digitalised climate and agriculture services, though digitalisation is recognised to be vital for African food systems. Clim-Eat will work with stakeholders to address and remove such barriers. 

In the coming period, Clim-Eat plans to pilot at least five game-changing food system innovations, direct USD 20 million into food system transformation, and secure benefits for 300,000 farmers and 20 MSMEs from investment in the programme countries.  

For more information about Clim-Eat, visit their website. 

Three-year grant (2024-2026)

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